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Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report

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Wing Tat Civil Engineering Co. Limited

Client contact


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Revision details/status



(if required)





Jason Man

F. C. Tsang


Kevin Li



First Version

Jason Man

F. C. Tsang


Kevin Li



Second Version

Jason Man

F. C. Tsang


Kevin Li



Third Version

Jason Man

F. C. Tsang


Kevin Li

Current revision




Author signature





Certified by


Jason Man


F. C. Tsang


Environmental Team Consultant


Environmental Team Leader



Executive summary. 5

1    Introduction. 7

1.1     Project Background. 8

1.2     Construction Works Programme. 9

1.3     Project Organisation. 9

1.4     Construction Works Programme and Construction Works Area. 10

1.5     Summary of Environmental Status. 10

2    Water Quality. 15

2.1     Monitoring Requirement. 15

2.2     Monitoring Location. 15

2.3     Monitoring Parameter and Frequency. 16

2.4     Sampling Depths & Replication. 16

2.5     Monitoring Equipment. 16

2.6     Monitoring Methodology. 20

2.7     QA/QC Requirements. 21

2.8     Action and Limit Level for Water Quality Monitoring.. 21

2.9     Event and Action Plan. 23

2.10      Results and Observations. 23

3    Noise. 24

3.1     Monitoring Locations. 24

3.2     Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration. 24

3.3     Monitoring Equipment, Methodology and QA / QC Procedure. 25

3.4     Maintenance and Calibration. 26

3.5     Action and Limit Levels. 26

3.6     Results and Observations. 27

4    Ecology. 28

4.1     Freshwater Crab. 28

4.2     Habitat Compensation for the Affected Riverine Habitat. 30

5    Waste Management. 31

6    Land Contamination. 32

7    Landscape and Visual. 33

7.1     Audit Requirements. 33

7.2     Results and Observations. 33

8    Cultural Heritage. 34

8.1     Archaeology. 34

8.2     Built Heritage. 35

9    Environmental Site Inspection and Audit. 30

9.1     Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures. 30

10     Summary of Monitoring Exceedance, Complaints, Notification of Summons and Prosecutions. 31

10.1      Summary of Exceedance. 31

10.2      Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance. 31

10.3      Summary of Environmental Complaint. 31

10.4      Summary of Environmental Summon and Successful Prosecution. 31

11     Future Key Issues. 32

11.1      Works and Potential Environmental Issues in the next Reporting Period. 32

11.2      Recommendation. 33

12     Conclusions. 34

12.1      Conclusion. 34

12.2      Comments/ Recommendations. 34



Appendix 1.1    Construction Programme

Appendix 1.2    Project Organization Chart

Appendix 1.3    Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measure

Appendix 2.1    Calibration Certificates of Impact Water Quality Monitoring  Equipment

Appendix 2.2    Event and Action Plan for Water Quality Exceedance

Appendix 2.3    Impact Monitoring Schedule of the Reporting Month

Appendix 2.4    Impact Water Quality Monitoring Data

Appendix 3.1    Calibration Certificates of Impact Noise Monitoring Equipment

Appendix 3.2    Event and Action Plan for Noise Exceedance

Appendix 3.3    Impact Noise Monitoring Data

Appendix 5.1    Waste Flow Table

Appendix 10.1   Complaint Log

Appendix 11.1   Impact Monitoring Schedule of Next Reporting Month


Figure 1.1    General Site Location Plan

Figure 1.2    Location of Work Areas for the Project

Figure 2.1    Impact Water Quality Monitoring Locations

Figure 3.1    Impact Noise Monitoring Locations

Figure 8.1    Area for Archaeological Survey

Figure 8.2    Layout plan showing distance between the works area at Ha Che and the Lan Fong Study Hall


Table A1 Summary of EM&A activities in the Reporting Period

Table A2 Summary of Exceedances in the Reporting Period

Table A3 Summary of Exceedances of the Last Reporting Period

Table 1.1 Parties Involved in Project Organisation

Table 1.2 Status of Environmental License, Notifications and Permits

Table 1.3 Summary of Status for Key Environmental Aspects under the Approved Updated EM&A Manual

Table 2.1 Summary of Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Table 2.2 Parameters measured in the Impact Water Quality Monitoring

Table 2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 2.4 Method for Laboratory Analysis for Water Samples

Table 2.5 Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality

Table 2.6 Action and Limit Levels of Water Quality

Table 2.7 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period

Table 2.8 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Last Reporting Period

Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations during Construction Phase

Table 3.2 Construction Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration

Table 3.3 Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 3.4 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring

Table 3.5 Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results

Table 3.6 Influencing Factors at Noise Monitoring Stations

Table 8.1 Mitigation Measures for Impacted Graded Historic Buildings

Table 9.1 Site Inspection Record

Table 9.2 Site Observations


Executive Summary

A1.     This is the 11th Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for Drainage Improvement Works Near Four Villages in Yuen Long (the Project).  This report was prepared by Aurecon Hong Kong Limited under Contract No. DC/2022/02 Drainage Improvement Works at Yuen Long – Stage 2 (hereinafter called the “Contract”).  This report documents the findings of EM&A works during the reporting period from 1 to 31 December 2024.

Key Construction Works in the Reporting Period

A2.     A summary of construction activities undertaken during the reporting period is presented below:

Ha Che

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

§  Removal of Sheet piles, Drain Laying works, Reinstatement

Lin Fa Tei

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Sung Shan New Village

§  Site Clearance

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Tai Wo

§  No Construction Activities

Monitoring and Audit Programme

A3.     The monthly EM&A programme was undertaken by the ET in accordance with the approved Updated EM&A Manual. A summary of the monitoring and audit activities during the reporting period is presented in Table A1.

Table A1 Summary of EM&A activities in the Reporting Period

EM&A Activities


Water Quality Monitoring

Ha Che, Lin Fa Tei and Sung Shan New Village:

2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 December 2024


Tai Wo

16, 18, 20, 23, 27 and 30 December 2024

Noise Monitoring

Ha Che, Lin Fa Tei, Sung Shan New Village and Tai Wo

5, 9, 20, 24 and 31 December 2024

Weekly Environmental Site Inspection

4, 11, 19, 27 and 31 December 2024

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels

A4.     No exceedance was recorded in the reporting month. Summary of the environmental exceedance for the reporting month is tabulated in Table A2.

Table A2 Summary of Exceedances in the Reporting Period

Environmental Monitoring


No. of non-project related exceedances

Total No. of non-project related exceedances

No. of exceedances

related to the

the project

Total No. of exceedance related to the project





Water Quality































Water Quality

A5.     No exceedance during impact water quality monitoring was recorded during reporting period.


A6.     No Action Level or Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.

Complaint Log

A7.     No environmental complaint was received in the reporting period.

Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

A8.     No notification of summons or successful prosecutions was received in the reporting period.

Reporting Changes

A9.     Impact noise monitoring, impact water quality monitoring and weekly site inspection at Tai Wo were resumed starting from 16 December 2024.

A10.  The noise monitoring at LFT_M7 have been suspended since 27 March 2024 due to the objection from property management office for providing access to designated monitoring location. The property management office formally refused our application of access right LFT_M7 on 29 May 2024. An alternative monitoring location LFT_M6 was proposed to replace LFT_M7 and agreed with the ER and the IEC on 29 May 2024 and 4 June 2024 respectively, impact noise monitoring was thus carried out at LFT_M6 from 4 June 2024 onward.

Future Key Issues

A11.  The major site activities for the next reporting period are summarized below:

Ha Che

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

§  Removal of Sheet piles, Drain Laying works, Reinstatement

Lin Fa Tei

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Sung Shan New Village

§  Site Clearance

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Tai Wo

§  Site Clearance

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting


1              Introduction

1.1        Project Background

1.1.1        The Drainage Master Plan Studies for the Yuen Long, Kam Tin, Ngau Tam Mei and Tin Shui Wai Drainage Basin (YLDMP) were completed in 1998.  The majority of the improvement works in Yuen Long and Kam Tin recommended under the YLDMP Study have been completed. Since completion of the DMP Studies, there have been changes in developments within the areas and new development proposals and town planning studies were commissioned. In addition, some new flooding complaints were received at the upstream areas of the drainage basins, indicating that further improvement to the drainage systems was required.

1.1.2        The Drainage Services Department (DSD) commissioned the “Review of Drainage Master Plans in Yuen Long and North Districts – Feasibility Study” (the Review Study) in 2008 so that the new development scenarios could be incorporated and the effectiveness of the previously recommended works could also be assessed. The Review Study completed in end 2011 identified that some areas in Yuen Long District could not meet the required flood protection level according to the latest land use changes and future developments taking into account various factors, including sedimentation at the downstream main channels, mangrove growth at river estuaries, updated extreme sea level statistics at Tsim Bei Tsui and projected climate change impacts, in the hydraulic analysis. To account for the severity and extent of possible flooding and the works implementation time, the Review Study proposed drainage improvement works in Yuen Long District.

1.1.3        Atkins China Ltd (ACL) was commissioned by the DSD in November 2013 to undertake an Investigation, Design and Construction Consultancy entitled “Agreement No. CE 22/2013 (DS) Drainage Improvement Works in Yuen Long, Stage 1 – Investigation, Design and Construction” (hereinafter called the Assignment). The Project comprises construction of drainage improvement works to four villages (namely Sung Shan New Village, Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che) including landscaping, waterscaping, utilities diversion, temporary traffic arrangements, re-provisioning / improvements to existing dry weather flow intercepting system and any other works incidental to the completion of the Project.

1.1.4        An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Brief (ESB-279/2014) for four villages namely Ha Che, Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei and Sung Shan New Village which is a designated project was issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 14 October 2014.

1.1.5        The EIA Report for Drainage Improvement Works Near Four Villages in Yuen Long – Sung Shan New Village, Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che (referred to as “the Project”) (Register No. AEIAR-229/2021) was approved on 3 June 2021 and the Environmental Permit (EP) EP-596/2021, covering the Upgrading, Construction and Deepening of the Project was granted on 28 September 2021.

1.1.6        Aurecon Hong Kong Limited (Aurecon) is commissioned by the Wing Tat Civil Engineering Co. Limited to undertake the Environmental Team (ET) services and carry out the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) for Drainage Improvement Works Near Four Villages in Yuen Long - Sung Shan New Village, Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che (Register No. EP-596/2021).

1.1.7        This is the 11th Monthly EM&A Report summarizing the key findings of the construction phase EM&A programme from 1 to 31 December 2024 (the reporting period) and is submitted to fulfil the requirements in Condition 4.4 of EP-596/2021 and Section 12.2 of the approved Updated EM&A Manual of the Project.

1.2        Construction Works Programme

1.2.1        The construction programme and the location plan of the Project are shown in Appendix 1.1 and Figure 1.1 respectively. The locations of the proposed drainage improvement works at the four villages are presented in Figures 1.2a to Figures 1.2d.

1.3        Project Organisation

1.3.1        Involvement of relevant parties in a collaborative and interactive manner is essential for the implementation of the recommended EM&A programme. The following sections outline the primary responsibilities and duties of the key EM&A programme participants. The lines of communication with respect to EM&A works are shown in Diagram 1.1.

A diagram of a company's work flow

Description automatically generated

Diagram 1.1 Organisation Chart

1.3.2        Parties with different levels of involvement in the Project organisation are summarized in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Parties Involved in Project Organisation


Organization / Company

Project Proponent

Drainage Services Department

Supervisor / Engineer’s Representative (ER)

Atkins China Ltd


Wing Tat Civil Engineering Co. Limited

Environmental Team (ET)

Aurecon Hong Kong Limited

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited

1.3.3        The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarized in Appendix 1.2.

1.4        Construction Works Programme and Construction Works Area

1.4.1        The construction works commenced on 20 February 2024. The construction works programme and the construction works area of the Project are shown in Appendix 1.1 and Figure 1.1 respectively. A summary of construction activities undertaken during this reporting period is presented below:

Ha Che

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

§  Removal of Sheet piles, Drain Laying works, Reinstatement

Lin Fa Tei

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Sung Shan New Village

§  Site Clearance

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Tai Wo

§  No Construction Activities

1.5        Summary of Environmental Status

1.5.1        A summary of the relevant permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Project is presented in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Status of Environmental License, Notifications and Permits

Permit / License No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit





Notification pursuant to Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Ref. Number: 497623




Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste





Registration of Chemical Waste Producer





Effluent Discharge License under Water Pollution Control Ordinance

Lin Fa Tei





Tai Wo





Ha Che





Sung Shan New Village





Construction Noise Permit (CNP)

Lin Fa Tei





Ha Che





Sung Shan New Village





1.5.2        The status for all environmental aspects is presented in Table 1.3.

1.5.3        The EM&A programme has been implemented in accordance with the recommendations presented in the approved EIA Report and the approved Updated EM&A Manual. A summary of implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures for the construction phase of the Project during the reporting period is provided in Appendix 1.3.

Table 1.3 Summary of Status for Key Environmental Aspects under the Approved Updated EM&A Manual



Water Quality

Baseline Monitoring under Approved Updated EM&A Manual

The baseline water quality monitoring results have been reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 4.3.

Impact Monitoring

The regular impact water quality monitoring was commenced at Ha Che on 21 February 2024. Since construction works were commenced at Lin Fa Tei and Tai Wo on 20 March 2024, impact water quality monitoring at Lin Fa Tei (i.e. C6, C7A and C8) and Tai Wo (i.e. C4 and C5) were started 20 March 2024. Impact water quality monitoring at Sung Shan New Village (i.e. C1A, C2 and C3A) was commenced on 17 April 2024 since the construction work at Sung Shan New Village was begun on 16 April 2024. Impact water quality monitoring at Tai Wo was resumed starting from 16 December 2024.


Baseline Monitoring

Up to the end of the reporting period, the baseline noise monitoring results for Ha Che have been reported in the Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to the EPD under EP Condition 4.3. Baseline noise monitoring results for Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei, and Sung Shan New Village will be further updated in the Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to the EPD. The revised Baseline Monitoring Report was submitted to EPD for acceptance on 4 July 2024.

Impact Monitoring

The weekly impact noise monitoring was commenced at Ha Che on 23 February 2024. Since construction works were commenced at Lin Fa Tei and Tai Wo on 20 March 2024, impact noise monitoring at Lin Fa Tei (i.e. LFT_M1, LFT_M3A, LFT_M7 and LFT_M11) and Tai Wo (i.e. TW_M2 and TW_M3) were started 20 March 2024. Impact noise monitoring at Sung Shan New Village (i.e. SSNV_M2, SSNV_M3  and SSNV_M6) was commenced on 19 April 2024 since the construction work at Sung Shan New Village was begun on 16 April 2024. The noise monitoring at LFT_M7 have been suspended since 27 March 2024 due to the objection from property management office for providing access to designated monitoring location. The property management office formally refused our application of access right LFT_M7 on 29 May 2024. An alternative monitoring location LFT_M6 was proposed to replace LFT_M7 and agreed with the ER and the IEC on 29 May 2024 and 4 June 2024 respectively, impact noise monitoring was thus carried out at LFT_M6 from 4 June 2024 onward. Impact noise monitoring at Tai Wo was resumed starting from 16 December 2024.


Freshwater Crab Translocation Plan (FCTP)

The EPD had no further comment on the submitted FCTP on 9 February 2024.  A formal reply letter was issued by the EPD on 4 July 2024 after the submission of hardcopy for their record. Pre-construction survey at Ha Che was carried out between 5 and 7 February 2024. Pre-construction survey at Lin Fa Tei was carried out between 11 and 13 March 2024.

Habitat Creation and Management Plan (HCMP)

The first draft of HCMP was submitted to the EPD and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on 22 December 2023.  Following comments from the EPD and AFCD dated 17 January 2024, the revised HCMP was submitted to EPD and AFCD for further review. Further comment was received from EPD on 27 May 2024, the revised HCMP was submitted to EPD for approval on 13 June 2024. It was accepted by EPD on 9 July 2024.

Mitigation Measures listed in Approved Updated EM&A Manual


Waste Management

Mitigation Measures listed in Approved Updated EM&A Manual


Land Contamination

Mitigation Measures listed in Approved Updated EM&A Manual

No suspected contamination was observed or reported by the Contractor in the reporting period.

Landscape and Visual


Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (LVMP)

The first draft of LVMP was submitted to the EPD, the AFCD and the Planning Department (PlanD) on 22 December 2023.  Following comments from the EPD, AFCD and PlanD on 7 February 2024, the LVMP is pending for further revision. The updated LVMP was submitted to EPD for review on 24 July 2024. Comment for LVMP (Rev. 6) was received from EPD on 16 August 2024, the revision of LVMP (Rev. 7) is under preparation.

Weekly Site Audit 


Mitigation Measures listed in Approved Updated EM&A Manual


Cultural Heritage

Archaeological Survey

The Archaeological Survey at Lin Fa Tei was carried out from 16 to 28 October 2024. The completion brief of archaeological survey was submitted to AMO for review on 30 October 2024. No comment was received from the AMO up to the end of the reporting period.

Mitigation Measures listed in Approved Updated EM&A Manual


Environmental Audit

Site Inspection covering Measures of Air Quality, Noise, Water Quality, Waste, Land Contamination, Ecological Quality, Landscape and Visual Impacts and Cultural Heritage




2              Water Quality

2.1        Monitoring Requirement

2.1.1        In accordance with the approved Updated EM&A Manual, impact water quality monitoring should be carried out three days per week at all designated monitoring stations during the construction period.  The interval between two sets of monitoring should not be less than 36 hours.

2.1.2        Replicate in-situ measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, pH, turbidity, salinity, water depth and suspended solids (SS) for each independent sampling event shall be collected to ensure a robust statistically interpretable database.

2.2        Monitoring Location

2.2.1        Impact water quality monitoring was conducted at 10 monitoring stations which is summarized in Table 2.1. The location of water quality monitoring stations is shown in Figure 2.1a to Figure 2.1d.

Table 2.1 Summary of Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations


Monitoring ID

Coordinates (HK Grid)





C1A (1)



Alternative Impact Monitoring Point




Control Monitoring Point

C3A (2)



Alternative Control Monitoring Point


C4 (3)



Control Monitoring Point

C5 (3)



Impact Monitoring Point





Control Monitoring Point

C7A (4)



Alternative Control Monitoring Point




Impact Monitoring Point





Control Monitoring Point




Impact Monitoring Point


(1)    At Station C1, access to safe sampling of water is not feasible due to steep banks on both sides of the stream channel.  An alternative monitoring location is proposed at Station C1A, which is about 250 m along the same stream channel downstream of Station C1 and is accessible for safe water sampling.

(2)    During the first day of baseline monitoring at Station C3, shallow water was observed, and the ET could not sample enough water for monitoring.  As agreed by the ER, the Contractor, and the IEC, a new sampling location, Station C3A, was identified at about 130 m upstream and was accessible for water sampling.

(3)    Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No.: EP-596/2021. Impact water quality monitoring at Tai Wo was resumed starting from 16 December 2024.

(4)    For Station C7, the location is not close to the nearest, revised works boundary (about 200 m away).  An alternative monitoring location is proposed at Station C7A, which is about 23 m upstream of the nearest, revised works boundary.

2.3        Monitoring Parameter and Frequency

2.3.1        The monitoring parameters, frequency and duration of impact water quality monitoring are listed in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Parameters measured in the Impact Water Quality Monitoring





Monitoring ID

Dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH, stream water depth and suspended solids (SS)

1 day in a week (1)

Throughout the construction phase












3 days in a week





(1)    Impact monitoring shall be carried out 3 days per week during the construction process. The monitoring frequency can be reduced to once per week, with sampling/ measurement at the designated monitoring locations when no exceedances were recorded during the past three-month period in accordance with Section 2.7, Appendix 4 of the Updated EM&A Manual. The change of the monitoring frequency at SSNV, LFT and HC was approved by EPD on 25 November 2024. Hence, the monitoring frequency at SSNV, LFT and HC was changed to 1 day in a week starting from 2 December 2024.

2.3.2        Monitoring location and position, time, sampling depth, weather conditions and any special phenomena or work underway nearby are recorded during the impact monitoring.

2.4        Sampling Depths & Replication

2.4.1        During impact water quality monitoring, each station was sampled. Due to a shallow water depth (less than 3 m) with low flow rates in rivers, all the monitoring would be located at mid-depth level.

2.4.2        Duplicate water samples were collected at each sampling depth for laboratory measurement of SS.  Samples were stored in high density polythene bottles, packed in ice (cooled to 4 °C without being frozen), and delivered to the laboratory on the same day of collection for analysis.

2.5        Monitoring Equipment

2.5.1        The measurement of DO, temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH and stream water depth were undertaken in-situ. In-situ monitoring instruments in compliance with the specifications listed under Section 2.3 of Appendix 4 of the approved Updated EM&A Manual were adopted to undertake the water quality monitoring for the Project.  Water quality monitoring equipment with the following specifications shall be supplied and maintained by the ET.


Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Measuring Equipment

2.5.2        The instrument for measuring dissolved oxygen and temperature should be portable and weatherproof complete with cable, sensor, and use DC power source. The equipment was capable of measuring:

§   A dissolved oxygen level in the range of 0 – 20 mg/L and 0 – 200% saturation; and

§   The temperature within 0 – 45 °C.

2.5.3        It should have a membrane electrode with automatic temperature compensation connected with a cable. Sufficient stocks of spare electrodes and cables should be available for replacement where necessary (e.g. YSI model 59 meter, YSI 5739 probe, YSI 5795A submersible stirrer with reel and cable or an approved similar instrument).



2.5.4        pH meter (e.g. Hanna – HI 9024 or equivalent) should be used to measure pH value of water samples in-situ.  It should be readable to 0.1 pH in a range of 0 to 14.  Standard buffer solutions of at least pH 7 to pH 10 shall be used for calibration of the instrument before and after use.


Turbidity Measurement Equipment

2.5.5        The instrument should be a portable, weatherproof turbidity-measuring instrument with a comprehensive operation manual.  The equipment should use a DC power source.  It should have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity between 0 – 1000 NTU and be equipped with a cable (e.g. Hach model 2100P or an approved similar instrument).


Suspended Solids

2.5.6        A water sampler should comprise a transparent PVC cylinder, with a capacity of not less than 2 litres, and should be effectively sealed with latex cups at both ends. The sampler should have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth (e.g. Kahlsico Water Sampler or an approved similar instrument).

2.5.7        Water samples for suspended solids measurement shall be collected in high density polythene bottles, packed in ice (chilled to 4 °C without being frozen), and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.


Water Depth Detector

2.5.8        A portable, battery-operated echo sounder should be used for determining water depth at each designated monitoring station.

2.5.9        For shallow water (less than 1 m deep), a portable water depth ruler will be used to measure water depth.


Monitoring Position Equipment

2.5.10     A hand-held or boat-fixed digital Global Positioning System (GPS) or other equivalent instrument of similar accuracy shall be provided and used during water quality monitoring to ensure the water sampling locations are correct during water quality monitoring work.


Water Sampling Equipment

2.5.11     A transparent PVC or glass cylinder, which has a volume of not less than 2 litres and can be sealed at both ends with cups, should be equipped with a positive latching system. During the water sampling, a messenger is released to trigger the closure of the water sampler at suitable water depth.

2.5.12     For sampling location with shallow water depth, plastic bucket would be used instead.


Calibration of In-situ Instruments

2.5.13     All in-situ monitoring instruments should be checked, calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or another international accreditation scheme before use, and subsequently re-calibrated at 3-monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring. Responses of sensors and electrodes should be checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO meter should be carried out before measurement at each monitoring location.

2.5.14     For the on-site calibration of field equipment, the BS 127:1993, Guide to Field and On-Site Test Methods for the Analysis of Water should be observed.


Back-up Equipment

2.5.15     Sufficient stocks of spare parts should be maintained for replacements when necessary. Backup monitoring equipment shall also be made available so that monitoring can proceed uninterruptedly even when some equipment is under maintenance, calibration, etc.

2.5.16     Table 2.3 summarizes the equipment used in the water quality monitoring programme. Copies of the calibration certificates of multi-parameter water quality monitoring system are shown in Appendix 2.1.

Table 2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Equipment




Serial No.




Water Sampler

Wildco 2.2L Water Sampler with messenger or plastic bucket (used in shallow water depth)






Multi-functional Water Quality Meter

YSI ProDSS (multi-parameters)


15M101091 and


Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

0 to 500%

·    0 to 200%: ±1% of reading

·    200 to 500%: ±8% of reading

0 to 50 mg/L

·    0 to 20 mg/L: ±0.1 mg/L or 1% of reading, whichever is greater

·    20 to 50 mg/L: ±8% of reading


-5 to 50 °C

±0.2 °C


0 to 14 pH units

±0.2 pH units


0 to 4000 NTU

·    0 to 999 NTU: 0.3 NTU or ±2% of reading, whichever is greater

·    1000 to 4000 NTU: ±5% of reading


0 to 70 ppt

·    ±1.0% of reading or ±0.1 ppt, whichever is greater

Water Depth Ruler




Water depth

0 – 7 m (Used for water depth less than 1 m)

±0.01 m

Positioning Equipment

Garmin (GPSmap 78s)





GPS: ±1m


2.6        Monitoring Methodology

2.6.1        Water samples were collected at an appropriate water depth using a sealable transparent PVC or glass cylinder.  For locations with shallow water depth, a plastic bucket was used as an alternative. Usually, water was then transferred to the sample bottles until they were filled to the top with no remaining air space before the lid was securely screwed on.  For samples that were preserved with acid or alkalis prior to transport to the laboratory, the samples bottles were filled to the level specified by the analytical laboratory.

2.6.2        Multi-functional water quality meters were checked, calibrated and certified by Quality Pro Test-Consult Limited (HOKLAS reg no. 259) before use, and would be subsequently re-calibrated at 3-monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring.  Responses of sensors and electrodes should be checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO meter should be carried out before measurement at each monitoring location.  For the on-site calibration of field equipment, the BS 127:1993, Guide to Field and On-Site Test Methods for the Analysis of Water should be observed.

2.6.3        Water samples for suspended solids measurement were collected in high density polythene bottles, packed in ice (chilled to 4 °C being frozen), and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.

2.6.4        Water sampling equipment deployed during the monitoring programme was decontaminated by manual washing and rinsed with clean distilled water after each sampling location.

2.6.5        All sampling bottles were labelled with the sample ID (including the indication of sampling station), laboratory number and sampling date. Water samples were dispatched to the testing laboratory for analysis as soon as possible after the sampling.  All samples were stored in a cool box and kept at less than 4 °C but without frozen. All water samples were handled under chain of custody protocols and relinquished to the laboratory representatives at locations specified by the laboratory. The laboratory determination works started within 24 hours after collection of water samples.


Laboratory Analytical Methods

2.6.6        Analysis of SS was carried out by a HOKLAS accredited laboratory (Acumen Laboratory and Testing Limited).  At least two replicate samples from each independent sampling event were collected for the SS measurement.  Sufficient water samples (about 3,000 mL) were collected at the monitoring stations for carrying out the laboratory SS determination.  The analytical method for suspended solids is presented in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Method for Laboratory Analysis for Water Samples


Analytical Method

Detection Limit

Suspended Solid (SS)

APHA 17ed 2540-D (1)

1 mg/L or better


(1)    APHA American Public Health Association Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.


2.7        QA/QC Requirements


Decontamination Procedures

2.7.1        Water sampling equipment used during the course of the monitoring process was decontaminated by manual washing and rinsed with distilled water after each sampling event. All of the disposable components/ accessories were discarded after sampling.


Sampling Management and Supervision

2.7.2        All sampling bottles were labelled with the sample ID numbers (including the sampling station), and sampling date. Water samples were dispatched to the testing laboratory for analysis as soon as possible. All the collected samples were stored in a cool box to keep the temperature less than 4 as possible after the sampling.  All samples were stored in a cool box and kept at less than 4 °C but without frozen.  All water samples were handled under chain of custody protocols and relinquished to the laboratory representatives at locations specified by the laboratory.


Quality Control Measures for Sample Testing

2.7.3        Quality control of laboratory analysis of water samples was performed by Acumen Laboratory and Testing Limited for every batch of 20 samples:

§  One method blank; and

§  One set of QC sample

2.8        Action and Limit Level for Water Quality Monitoring

2.8.1        The criteria of action and limit levels for water quality monitoring are defined in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality


Action Level

Limit Level

DO in mg/L

< 5%-ile of baseline data

< 4 mg/L or < 1%-ile of baseline data

SS in mg/L

> 95%-ile of baseline data or >120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

> 99%-ile of baseline data or 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

Turbidity in NTU

> 95%-ile of baseline data or >120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

> 99%-ile of baseline data or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher


(1)    For DO, non-compliance of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is lower than the limit.

(2)    For SS and turbidity, non-compliance of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is higher than the limits

(3)    All the figures given in the table are used for reference only and the EPD may amend the figures whenever it is considered necessary.

2.8.2        Based on the criteria listed in Table 2.5, the action and limit levels for water quality are determined in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 Action and Limit Levels of Water Quality


Monitoring ID






DO in mg/L


<4 (1)

SS in mg/L

>7.3 or >120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>8.5 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

Turbidity in NTU

>10.37 or >120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>10.81 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher



DO in mg/L


<4 (2)

SS in mg/L

>9.9 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>10.0 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

Turbidity in NTU

>13.64 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>13.87 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher



DO in mg/L


<4 (3)

SS in mg/L

>6.3 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>7.0 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

Turbidity in NTU

>12.46 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>12.94 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher



DO in mg/L


<2.43 (4)

SS in mg/L

>8.7 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>8.8 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

Turbidity in NTU

>20.06 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher

>21.07 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day, whichever is higher


(1)    The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C1A is 6.61 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L.  Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.

(2)    The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C5 is 8.09 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L.  Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.

(3)    The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C8 is 5.36 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L.  Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.

(4)    The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C10 is 2.43 mg/L, which is lower than 4 mg/L.  Taking account of the baseline water quality condition and to minimise any false alarm of water quality deterioration during construction phase, DO concentration of 2.43 mg/L is adopted as the limit level.

2.9        Event and Action Plan

2.9.1        Should any non-compliance of the criteria occur, action in accordance with the Event and Action Plan in Appendix 2.2 shall be followed. Investigation of the exceedances of environmental quality performance limits should be conducted, and the ET will immediately notify the IEC and EPD, as appropriate.  The notification should be followed up with advice to the IEC and EPD on the results of the investigation, proposed actions and success of the action taken, with any necessary follow-up proposals.

2.10   Results and Observations

2.10.1     The water quality monitoring schedule for this reporting month is shown in Appendix 2.3. The monitoring results and graphical presentation of water quality monitoring at the monitoring stations are shown in Appendix 2.4.

2.10.2     After confirmation of exceedance of the water quality monitoring results, ET has issued Notification of Exceedance (NOE) to inform relevant parties (i.e., EPD, ER, IEC and Contractor) about the exceedances. No exceedance during impact water quality monitoring was recorded during reporting period. The exceedance of impact water quality monitoring in the reporting Period is summarised in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period


No. of non-project related exceedances(1)

Total No. of non-project related exceedances

No. of exceedance related to the Project

Total No. of exceedance related to the Project





Dissolved Oxygen














Suspended Solids








3              Noise

3.1        Monitoring Locations

3.1.1        The monitoring locations for construction noise monitoring are listed in Table 3.1 and shown in Figure 3.1a to Figure 3.1d.

Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations during Construction Phase

ID No. (1)


Nature of Uses

Type of Measurement


Village house next to a nullah in Tong Tai Po Tsuen (near DD118 1720 S.A)




Village house near a soybean sauce factory in Sung Shan New Village (near DD118 1712)




#43, Sung Shan New Village



TW_M2 (4)

#200, Cheung Po



TW_M3 (4)

Kai Yip Garden, #3H, Tai Wo




#2G, Lin Fa Tei



LFT_M3A (2)

Near #125B, Lin Fa Tei




#156B, Lin Fa Tei



LFT_M6 (3)

#47, Shui Tsan Ti



LFT_M11 (2)

#210, Ngau Keng Tsuen



HC_M3A (2)

Next to DD111 326 S.B RP near Fan Kam Road




#1C, Chuk Hang




The Arbutus House 12, #52, Shui Kan Shek




(1)    SSNV – Sung Shan New Village; TW – Tai Wo; LFT – Lin Fa Tei; HC – Ha Che.

(2)    LFT_M3A, LFT_M11, HC_M3A and are alternative noise monitoring stations proposed to replace LFT_M3, LFT_M13 and HC_M3, respectively.

(3)    Due to the objection from property management office for providing access to designated monitoring location, the noise monitoring at LFT_M7 have been suspended since 27 March 2024. An alternative monitoring location LFT_M6 was proposed to replace LFT_M7 and agreed with the ER and the IEC.

(4)    Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No.: EP-596/2021. Impact noise monitoring at Tai Wo was resumed starting from 16 December 2024.

3.2        Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration

3.2.1        Construction noise level was measured by the ET and measured in terms of the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq).  Leq(30mins) used as the monitoring parameter for the construction noise monitoring.

3.2.2        As supplementary information for data auditing, statistical results such as L10 and L90 were also obtained for reference.

3.2.3        Table 3.2 summarizes the monitoring parameters, duration, and frequency of construction noise monitoring.

Table 3.2 Construction Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration

Monitoring Station


Frequency and Duration

SSNV_M2, SSNV_M3, SSNV_M6, HC_M3A, HC_M4, HC_M6, TW_M2, TW_M3, LFT_M1, LFT_M3A, LFT_M5, LFT_M6 and LFT_M11

Leq(30mins) (as a logarithmic average of 6 consecutive Leq(5mins))

Once every week throughout the construction phase

3.3        Monitoring Equipment, Methodology and QA / QC Procedure

3.3.1        As referred to the technical memorandum issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO), sound level meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications were used for carrying out the construction noise monitoring.

3.3.2        Noise measurements were not made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding 5 m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s.  The wind speed was checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s.

3.3.3        Sufficient numbers of noise measuring equipment and associated instrumentation were prepared by the ET.  All the equipment and associated instrumentation were clearly labelled.

3.3.4        Wind data were collected from the records of Hong Kong Observatory Shek Kong Weather Station, which is about 2 km south-west of Ha Che and about 900 m north of Lin Fa Tei.

3.3.5        The monitoring procedures are as follows:

§  For façade measurement, the monitoring station was set at a point 1 m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building façade and set at a position 1.2 m above the ground.  For free-field measurement, the monitoring station was set at a position 1.2 m above the ground.

§  The battery condition was checked to ensure good functioning of the meter.

§  Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the interval were set as follows:

-        Frequency weighting: A

-        Time weighting: Fast

-        Interval: 30 minutes (Leq(30mins)) would be determined for daytime noise by calculating the logarithmic average of six Leq(5mins) data

§  Prior to and after each noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using an acoustic calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz.  If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement is more than 1.0 dB, the measurement was considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement will be required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.

§  At the end of the monitoring period, the values of Leq, L90 and L10 were recorded.  In addition, noise sources were recorded on a standard record sheet.

3.3.6        Table 3.3 summarizes the noise monitoring equipment used during the construction noise monitoring.  Calibration certificates for the impact noise monitoring equipment are attached in Appendix 3.1.

Table 3.3 Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment



No. of Equipment

Serial No.

Sound Level Meter

NTi Audio XL2



Acoustic Calibrator

Rion NC-75



3.4        Maintenance and Calibration

3.4.1        Maintenance and calibration procedures are as follows:

§  The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator were regularly cleaned with a soft cloth; and

§  The sound level meter and acoustic calibrator were calibrated annually by a HOKLAS accredited laboratory or the manufacturer.

3.5        Action and Limit Levels

3.5.1        The Action and Limit levels were established in accordance with the approved Updated EM&A Manual. Table 3.4 presents the Action and Limit Levels for construction noise. Should non-compliance of the criteria occur, action in accordance with the Event and Action Plan presented in Appendix 3.2 shall be carried out.

Table 3.4 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring

Time Period


Limit Level

07:00 – 19:00 on normal weekdays

When one or more documented complaints are received

75 dB(A)(1)

07:00 – 23:00 on holidays; and

19:00 – 23:00 on all other days

45 dB(A)(2)

23:00 – 07:00 of the next day

30 dB(A)(2)


(1)          Between 07:00 and 19:00, construction noise limit for school during normal term time is 70 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) during examination period.

(2)          The ASR of identified noise sensitive receivers is “A”, which is a rural area that is not affected by the in Influencing Factors (Ifs). The limit levels are stipulated in the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas.


3.6        Results and Observations

3.6.1        The construction noise monitoring was conducted on 5, 9, 20, 24 and 31 December 2024. The monitoring schedule is presented in Appendix 2.3.

3.6.2        The construction noise monitoring results are summarized in Table 3.5.  No Action or Limit levels exceedance was recorded in the reporting period.  Details of the results and graphical presentation are shown in Appendix 3.3.

Table 3.5 Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results

Monitoring Station

Noise Level, dB(A)

Limit Level







75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)




75 dB(A)


(1)          For Free Field measurement, +3 dB(A) was added to the measured results.

3.6.3        During the construction noise monitoring period, the influencing factors which may affect the results are summarized in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6 Influencing Factors at Noise Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Stations

Influencing Factors












Road Traffic Noise


Road Traffic Noise


Road Traffic Noise






Road Traffic Noise




Road Traffic Noise



4              Ecology

4.1        Freshwater Crab

4.1.1        With reference to the approved EIA Report (Register No.: AEIAR-229/2021), two freshwater crab species of conservation importance were recorded within the work sites during the ecological baseline survey. Somanniathelphusa zanklon was recorded at Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che, while Cryptopotamon anacoluthon was recorded in the upstream area at Ha Che. Both species are endemic to Hong Kong and considered to be “Endangered” and “Vulnerable” by the IUCN respectively (IUCN 2023). The construction activities of the project will disturb their natural habitats and potentially causing a direct loss of these two species due to their limited mobility.

Post-translocation Monitoring

4.1.2        According to Section 5.2.5 of the approved Updated EM&A Manual for the Project, monthly post-translocation monitoring shall be conducted for at least 12 months after pre-construction surveys to monitor their establishment.

4.1.3        During the monitoring, active visual search by hand netting and kick sampling for aquatic fauna species would be performed at the respective receptor sites. Potential micro-habitats and hiding spaces that is favoured by the crabs such as rocks, organic debris, leaf litter, and riparian vegetation etc., will also be overturned or raked.

4.1.4        Upon discovery of any marked individuals from the pre-construction survey, date and time of capture, size and health condition of the individual will also be recorded once again.

4.1.5        The practice of mark and recapture of the translocated population of S. zanklon and C. anacoluthon at the receptor site can then be used to estimate population size, as well as inform the health and survival status of the translocated population.

4.1.6        The upper and lower receptor sites of Ha Che and receptor site of Lin Fa Tei were visited on 16 December 2024 to monitor the population of freshwater crabs translocated from Ha Che CH.A11.13~CH.A300.00, Lin Fa Tei CH.A0.00~CH.A200.00, and Ha Che CH.A300.00~CH.A653.949.

4.1.7        Site conditions of lower Ha Che receptor site and Lin Fa Tei receptor site in the reporting month were similar to previous months, i.e., no pollution, anthropogenic disturbance or change in vegetation was observed. Representative photos of the site conditions are presented in Plate 4.1.

Plate 4.1 Site condition of receptor sites at Ha Che and Lin Fa Tei during the reporting month

A stream in the woods at night

Description automatically generated

Upper receptor site for Cryptopotamon anacoluthon at Ha Che

A dark night sky with white spots

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A bridge over a stream

Description automatically generated

Lower receptor site for Somanniathelphusa zanklon at Ha Che

A stream running through a grassy area

Description automatically generated

Receptor site for Cryptopotamon anacoluthon and Somanniathelphusa zanklon at Lin Fa Tei

4.1.8        None of the translocated individuals from the pre-construction surveys was found in the upper and lower receptor sites of Ha Che or the receptor site of Lin Fa Tei in the reporting month. The inability to recapture the translocated individuals could be due to the structural complexity of the habitats of both sites. The presence of many rocks and riffles at the upper Ha Che receptor site and large and deep pools in the lower Ha Che and Lin Fa Tei receptor sites provides excellent refuge and protection for the crabs.

4.1.9        However, 3 new individuals of C. anacoluthon without markings were captured at the Ha Che Upper and Ha Che Lower receptor sites. These individuals, however, were not the translocated individual as their details (i.e., carapace, sex and species) did not match with any of the translocated individuals in the record. These individuals were released immediately after record. Its details are summarized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Summary of Freshwater Crab Species Captured during the Post-Translocation Monitoring


ID No./Code


Carapace Size (mm)

Receptor Site

Time of Capture


C. anacoluthon

New Individual



Ha Che Upper



C. anacoluthon

New Individual



Ha Che Upper



C. anacoluthon

New Individual



Ha Che Lower




4.2        Habitat Compensation for the Affected Riverine Habitat

4.2.1        In order to ensure the reinstated habitat could compensate the loss of the important riverine habitat, Habitat Creation and Management Plan (HCMP) was approved by EPD under Condition 2.9 of the EP. The relevant drainage improvement works has been conducted continuously during the reporting period in accordance with the HCMP.


5              Waste Management

5.1.1        Waste generated from the Project include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D wastes in the reporting period. The amount of waste generated by the construction works of the Project during the reporting period are shown in Appendix 5.1.  

5.1.2        Sorting of construction and demolition (C&D) materials was carried out on site.  Sufficient numbers of receptacles were provided for general refuse collection and sorting.  Excavated inert C&D materials were reused to minimize the disposal of C&D waste to public fill.

5.1.3        The Contractor is advised to minimize the wastes generated through recycling or reusing.  All applicable mitigation measures stipulated in the approved Updated EM&A Manual and waste management plans have been fully implemented.


6              Land Contamination

6.1.1        With reference to results of land contamination assessment included in the approved EIA Report (Register No.: AEIAR-229/2021), all identified sites with potential contamination are located outside the work area of the Project and no potential contamination arising from the proposed drainage improvement works is anticipated. Therefore, no land contamination issue is anticipated for this Project.

6.1.2        Mitigation measures listed in Appendix 1.3 should be adopted if any suspended contamination encountered during construction.

6.1.3        No suspected on-site contamination was observed or reported by the Contractor in the reporting period.


7              Landscape and Visual

7.1        Audit Requirements

7.1.1        According to the approved Updated EM&A Manual, site audits should be undertaken every week during the construction phase to check that the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended objectives. Mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report as the audit requirements including, preservation of existing vegetation, transplanting of affected trees, compensatory tree planting, control of night-time lighting glare, erection of decorative screen hoarding and management of construction activities and facilities are summarized in Appendix 1.3.

7.2        Results and Observations

7.2.1        To monitor and audit the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures, five weekly landscape and visual site audits were carried out on 4, 11, 19, 27 and 31 December 2024.

7.2.2        No deficiency in the mitigation measures on landscape and visual was observed during the reporting period.


8              Cultural Heritage

8.1        Archaeology

8.1.1        According to the assessment included in the approved EIA report (Register No.: AEIAR-229/2021) the proposed drainage works in the Lin Fa Tei area are located immediately adjacent to existing river course on mainly Pleistocene terraced alluvium and the western end of the alignment on Holocene alluvium between Lin Fa Tei Site of Archaeological Interest (SAI) and Shui Lau Tin SAI. The proposed works are partially located within Lin Fa Tei SAI.  Previous investigations within SAI have shown both in situ and secondary deposit and with potential for wooden features near the stream bed.  As per the recommendation from EIA report, Archaeological Survey shall be conducted prior to the construction works, the concerned area is marked in Figure 8.1.

8.1.2        A qualified archaeologist shall be engaged and apply for a licence under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) to conduct the Archaeological Survey prior to the construction phase. The scope and methodology of the Archaeological Survey shall be agreed with Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) prior to implementation. Tentatively and subject to agreement with AMO, a fieldscan, where possible, twenty auger tests and four 5 by 1m narrow trenches are proposed to further assess the archaeological potential of the area. If significant remains are uncovered, AMO should be notified and potential need for mitigation and/ or an appropriate way forward should be agreed by AMO and relevant parties.

8.1.3        For remaining drainage work areas (outside the area identified for Archaeological Survey) deemed to have limited (near Kam Sheung Road) to minimal (remainder of Works Areas) archaeological potential, AMO shall be informed immediately if antiquities or supposed antiquities are discovered during construction works for the proposed drainage improvement works for ascertaining required remedial works.

8.1.4        The licence application for archaeological survey works at Lin Fa Tei, Yuen Long was approved by the AMO on 28 June 2024. The Archaeological Survey at Lin Fa Tei was carried out from 16 to 28 October 2024. During this period, the qualified Archaeologist has excavated five test trenches (5m x 1.2m each in size) coded TT1 to TT5 respectively and executed 20 auger tests coded AH1 to AH20 respectively.

8.1.5        Generally, the fill deposit at the top of the excavated area is modern and formed in recent years; the sludge deposits underneath contain no archaeological remains whatsoever.

8.1.6        Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no archaeological potential in the Licence Area, and the construction works of the Project will not cause any adverse impact to archaeological heritage in this part of the Lin Fa Tei Site of Archaeological Interest. The completion brief of archaeological survey was submitted to AMO for review on 30 October 2024. No comment was received from the AMO up to the end of the reporting period.

8.2        Built Heritage

8.2.1        According to the approved Updated EM&A manual, mitigation measures that should be implemented during the construction phase for graded historic buildings are presented in Table 8.1.

8.2.2        Condition surveys were carried out by qualified structural engineer for Lee Tat Bridge, Lan Fong Study Hall and St John’s Chapel prior to construction works. The Pre-construction Condition Survey Report were submitted to the EPD on 22 December 2023 under Condition 2.10 of the EP. The Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) had no adverse comment on the report on 3 January 2024. A formal reply letter was issued by the EPD on 21 June 2024 for their acceptance on the report.

8.2.3        Due to the distance between the works area at Ha Che and the Lan Fong Study Hall exceeded 30m radial distance during the reporting period, no vibration monitoring was undertaken. Settlement and tilting monitoring at Lan Fong Study Hall at Ha Che has been carried out during the reporting period(excluded public holiday). The distance between the north works area at Ha Che and the Lan Fong Study Hall is around 395.34m. While the distance between the south works area at Ha Che and the Lan Fong Study Hall is around 63.76m. The layout plan showing distance between the works area at Ha Che and the Lan Fong Study Hall is presented in Figure 8.2. No exceedance for relevant monitoring was recorded during the reporting period. No monitoring was carried out at St. John’s Chapel near Tai Wo as no construction works were carried out at this district since April 2024.  No monitoring has been carried out at Lee Tat Bridge at Lin Fa Tei as the works areas are more than 500 m away.  Monitoring data will be submitted to the AMO on quarterly basis.


Table 8.1 Mitigation Measures for Impacted Graded Historic Buildings

Graded Historic Buildings

Mitigation Measures

Lee Tat Bridge, Shui Tsan Tin (Grade 3)

§   A condition survey should be carried out in advance of works and after completion of works by qualified building surveyor or structural engineer. The Condition Survey Report should contain descriptions of the structure, identification of fragile elements, an appraisal of the condition and working methods for any proposed monitoring and precautionary measures that are or were recommended with aid of photo records. The condition survey report must be submitted to the AMO for comment before construction activities commence and after the works have been completed. The contractor should implement the approved monitoring and precautionary measures.

§   Vibration, settlement and tilting monitoring should be undertaken during the construction works to ensure that safe levels of vibration are not exceeded.  An Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) vibration limit set at 5 / 6 / 7.5 mm/s for Grade 3 historic buildings, settlement limit set at 6/ 8/ 10mm, and tilting limit set at 1/2000; 1/1500; 1/1000 should be adopted. Monitoring proposal, including checkpoint locations, installation details, response actions for each of the AAA levels and frequency of monitoring should be submitted for AMO's consideration. Installation of monitoring checkpoints shall be carried out in great care and adequate protection shall be provided so as to avoid unnecessary disturbance/ damage to the historic fabrics.  Photo records of monitoring checkpoints shall be submitted upon installation for AMO's records. Monitoring records should be submitted to AMO on regular basis and alert AMO should the monitoring reach AAA levels.

Lan Fong Study Hall, Chuk Hang (Grade 3)

St John’s Chapel, Cheung Po (Grade 2)



9              Environmental Site Inspection and Audit

9.1        Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

9.1.1        Site inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures under the Contract.  In the reporting period, site inspections were carried out on 4, 11, 19, 27 and 31 December 2024 at the site portions listed in Table 9.1 below.

Table 9.1 Site Inspection Record


Inspected Site Portion


4 December 2024

Sung Shan New Village

14:30 – 15:00

11 December 2024

Ha Che

13:45 – 14:15

19 December 2024

Sung Shan New Village

10:30 – 11:00

27 December 2024

Lin Fa Tei

14:30 – 15:00

31 December 2024

Ha Che

10:00 – 10:30

9.1.2        Environmental deficiencies were observed during weekly site inspection. Key observations during the site inspections and during the reporting period are summarized in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2 Site Observations


Environmental Observations

Follow-up Status

4 Dec 2024

Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)






11 Dec 2024

Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)


Ha Che:

1.      The contractor was reminded to display the environmental permit at an appropriate location (e.g. site entrance) instead of the area within the site.



Ha Che:

1.      The environmental permit was displayed at an appropriate location by the contractor.

19 Dec 2024

Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)






27 Dec 2024

Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)






31 Dec 2024

Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)


Ha Che:

1.      The decolorized NRMM label should be replaced with a proper label. (BH16)



Ha Che:

1.      The proper NRMM label was attached by the contractor. (BH16)

9.1.3        According to the EIA Study Report, Environmental Permit, contract documents and approved Updated EM&A Manual, the mitigation measures detailed in the documents should be implemented as much as practical during the reporting period. An updated Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is provided in Appendix 1.3.


10        Summary of Monitoring Exceedance, Complaints, Notification of Summons and Prosecutions

10.1   Summary of Exceedance

10.1.1     During the reporting month, no exceedances for impact water quality monitoring was recorded.

10.1.2     No Action Level or Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.

10.1.3     No exceedance for settlement and tilting monitoring was recorded during the reporting period.

10.2   Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance

10.2.1     No environmental non-compliance was recorded in the reporting period.

10.3   Summary of Environmental Complaint

10.3.1     No environmental complaint was received in the reporting period.

10.3.2     The Cumulative Complaint Log is presented in Appendix 10.1.

10.4   Summary of Environmental Summon and Successful Prosecution

10.4.1     There was no successful environmental prosecution or notification of summons received since the Project commencement. The Cumulative Log for environmental summon and successful prosecution is presented in Appendix 10.1.


11        Future Key Issues

11.1   Works and Potential Environmental Issues in the next Reporting Period

11.1.1     The construction programme for the Project for the next reporting period is presented in Appendix 1.1.

11.1.2     Works to be undertaken in the next reporting period are summarized below:

Ha Che

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

§  Removal of Sheet piles, Drain Laying works, Reinstatement

Lin Fa Tei

§  Site Clearance

§  Breaking Ground

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Sung Shan New Village

§  Site Clearance

§  Temporary Drainage Diversion

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

§  Sheet pilling & Backfilling and Compaction

Tai Wo

§  Site Clearance

§  Excavation and Lateral Support, Relocate/ Divert Utilities, Rebar Fixing, Formwork Erection and Cast-in, Concreting

11.1.3     Potential environmental impacts arising from the above construction activities are mainly associated with construction noise impact, water quality impact, ecological impact, waste management, and landscape and visual.

11.2   Recommendation

11.2.1     The key environmental mitigation measures for the Project in the coming reporting period expected to be associated with the construction activities include:



§  Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site, and plant should be maintained regularly during the construction programme; and

§  Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) should be adopted as far as possible.


Water Quality


§  Surface run-off from construction sites should be discharged into dedicated discharge point via adequately designed sand/ silt removal facilities;

§  Channels/ earth bunds/ sandbags barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to silt removal facilities;

§  Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes should be maintained, and the deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly;

§  Open stockpiles of construction materials on sites should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms; and

§  Perimeter channels should be provided on site boundaries where necessary to intercept stormwater run-off from outside the site so that it will not wash across the site.


Waste Management


§  Provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection of waste;

§  Regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage system; and

§  Chemical containers shall be stored with drip tray underneath.




§  Minimize loss of habitats and associated wildlife; and

§  Using directional lighting to prevent excessive light spill into adjacent natural habitat and disturbance to nocturnal fauna.


Landscape and Visual


§  Construction activities shall be carefully designed to minimize impact on existing retained trees; and

§  Adequate tree protection measures shall be provided for the trees to be retained on site.

11.2.2     The tentative schedule of regular construction noise and water quality monitoring in the next reporting period is presented in Appendix 11.1. The regular impact noise and water quality monitoring will be conducted at the same monitoring locations in the next reporting period.  


12        Conclusions

12.1   Conclusion

12.1.1     This 11th Monthly EM&A Report presents the EM&A works during the reporting period from 1 to 31 December 2024 in accordance with the approved Updated EM&A Manual.

12.1.2     No exceedance during impact water quality monitoring was recorded during reporting period.

12.1.3     No Action Level or Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.

12.1.4     No exceedance was recorded for settlement and tilting monitoring during the reporting period.

12.1.5     Environmental site inspections were conducted on 4, 11, 19, 27 and 31 December 2024 by the ET in the reporting period.

12.1.6     No environmental complaint was received in the reporting period.

12.1.7     The ET will keep track on the construction works to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.

12.2   Comments/ Recommendations

12.2.1     The proposed mitigation measures were properly implemented and were considered effective and efficient in pollution control.